Master in Private Law

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The college of law started its Master degree program in 2008-2009. The Masters programs are specialized programs that follow the Bachelor of Law. Students in these programs are awarded the degree upon passing the exams and succeeding in defending their theses.

NQF level 9

College of Law Booklet
College of Law Booklet
PDF, 1.9 MB , 24 Pages


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The Master’s Degree in Private Law, is a specialized postgraduate program which requires the prior completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Law. Upon successfully completing the program, a Master’s Degree in Private Law shall be awarded.

Program Guide


  1. Creating the appropriate environment for creativity and creative thinking in different areas of law that lead to the advancement of scientific and professional skills of the researcher for the progression of his/her legal knowledge.
  2. Creating the appropriate environment for creativity and creative thinking in the field of law, which leads to developing, refining, and promoting scientific capabilities.
  3. Ability to analyze legislations, comparative legislations, and judgments by weighing and refuting different legal views and opinions.
  4. Enabling the students to be familiar with the rules and methods of scientific research in the field of law and the principles of expressing legal opinion and recommendations to the legislator.
  5. Promoting scientific research in the field of law at the University of Bahrain.
  6. Providing the Bahraini community with graduates with distinguished legal experience and the ability to practice law with competence.


Terms of Admission

The following conditions are required for admission to the Master’s Degree Program in Private Law:

  1. The applicant should hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Bahrain or any equivalent degree from any well recognized Arab or Foreign university, with a G.P.A of at least 2.67 out of 4 according to the points-based system or any other equivalent assessment system.
  2. The applicant should pass the written examinations and the personal interview, according to the criteria determined by the academic departments at the College of Law.
  3. The applicant should submit two recommendations from his/her academic professors.
  4. The applicant should pass the IELTS or TOEFL exam with a percentage or a rate determined by the University Council at UoB; or students can pass two intensive English courses at UoB. However, if the student does not pass these two intensive English courses for the second time, the student’s admission shall be revoked.

Procedures of Admission

1- Applications for admission to the Master’s Degree Program in Private Law shall be submitted to the Deanship of Admission and Registration within specified periods of time stated in the university’s calendar, accompanied with special forms prepared by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, in addition to attaching all of the necessary supporting documents.

2- After assuring that the applicant meets all of the terms and conditions stated in Article (12) of the Higher Education Regulations at UoB, the Department of Private Law shall evaluate and assess the applications after receiving it from the Deanship of Admission and Registration. The Department shall later conduct written examinations, personal interviews, and evaluation of the forms submitted. After the applicant conducts these requirements the department concerned studies the applications and verifies the English language proficiency exam results. The forms and documents are subsequently transferred to the College of Law’s Council for approval, these documents shall later be transferred to the Board of Graduate Studies.

3- The University Council would then issue a list of names of those admitted to the program (Master’s in Private Law), based on the decision taken by the Department’s Council, and the names of those admitted shall be subsequently announced by the Deanship of Admission and Registration.

Language of Studies

The Master’s Program in Private Law is taught in Arabic, with a few courses taught in English.