Master in Law and Sports Management

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The master’s in law and Sports Management is a specialized academic program. The program consists of specialized elective courses that cover key in-depth aspects of sports disputes, international sports laws, sports media, sports ethics and management issues, and information technology investment, in order to meet the labor market’s needs at the national and Gulf region levels.

The program is managed by the College of Law in cooperation with four other colleges, namely the College of Business Administration, the College of Health and Sports Sciences (Department of Physical Education), the College of Arts (Department of Media), and the College of Information Technology.

To obtain a master’s degree in law and sports management, the student must successfully complete 36 credit hours, of which 30 hours are distributed among compulsory and elective specialized courses, in addition to 6 specialized hours for the master’s thesis. With a GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00

NQF Level 9

College of Law Booklet
College of Law Booklet
PDF, 1.9 MB , 24 Pages


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The Master of Law and Sports Management is considered an urgent necessity with the increase of investment in the sports field, and the rising need to employ competencies specialized in sports law and management, especially after the issuance of Law No. 8 of 2021 on sports professionalism. The program consists of courses covering the main aspects of sports disputes, international sports laws, sports media, and sports ethics issues based on reference measurement studies and labor market needs.

The program is managed by the College of Law in cooperation with four other faculties of law, sports and management, enabling us to prepare a graduate specialized in writing and reviewing contracts, resolving sports disputes, and media and sports management. The program enables the graduate to work in the field of law and sports management.

Program Guide


The program aims to:

a) Have the necessary information and skills to solve human rights issues in the fields of sports, marketing, communication, and property rights.
b) Be able to manage and regulate sports institutions and their disputes, conclude relevant contracts, and settle disputes.
c) Have a broad professional understanding on the field of law, sports management, and related topics.


1. Discuss concepts, vocabulary and information related to law and sports management.
2. Organizing administrative and human rights workflow based on the data and circumstances of the sports sector.
3. Concluding financial, sports and organizational contracts for players and sports and media activities to ensure related parties’ rights.
4. Analysis of human rights data, and legal, tax and economic issues, and related sports disputes.
5. Employing information and communication technology in solving problems and communicating with others in the fields of law and sports.
6. Take responsibility for decision-making in professional and ethical matters and work within the same team.


  1. The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in law.
  2. The cumulative GPA should not be less than 2.67 out of 4.00 according to the points system.
  3. To pass the personal interview.
  4. Must have an average of at least 5.5 in the IELTS exam or its equivalent, and in if no proof is provided, the student will complete the requirements according to the postgraduate studies system.
  5. To submit two letters of recommendation.
  6. The general admission rules of the graduate studies system apply.

Note: If the student is not majoring in law at the undergraduate level:

The student must pass the remedial courses before starting the program, which are:

  1. Introductory to the study of Law 404
  2. Sources of Commitment Law410
  3. Commercial Arbitration Law 415